Early Progress Reports


Drive student success with Trellis Progress. This product focuses on three important factors that can influence a student's university experience: their relationship with an instructor, their classroom performance, and the university's ability to intervene and guide students to academic resources. Trellis Progress provides faculty with a convenient platform to address all three things through a simple, comment-based feedback system. Key features include the instructor's ability to build, preview, and send custom progress reports based on the student or classroom's needs. Trellis Progress can also connect students with campus resources such as the Think Tank, SALT Center, and academic advisors who can help students make informed decisions throughout their university journey.

Who does this benefit?

Trellis Progress will initially serve faculty and undergraduate students in their first or second year at the University of Arizona. The team is exploring ways to expand its functionality and usage to additional service units who support our students.


  • Build comment-based progress reports in a quick dropdown-style platform
  • Choose from common classroom performance or retention topics
  • Email 1 or more students at the same time, based on needs
  • Preview and check progress report content prior to send
  • Receive acknowledgment when a student interacts with your progress report

Helpful Links

For a list of recommended dates to send early progress reports, view the Student Success & Retention Innovation Website.

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