Who's Using Trellis

Who's Using Trellis

A Center
AHS BioCommunications
ALVSCE Administration
Arizona Global
Arizona Online
AZ Institute for Resilience
AZ Simulation Technology & Education
CALS Career & Academic Services
Campus Health and Wellness
Campus IT Partnerships
CAPLA Administration
College of Applied Science & Technology
Computer Science
Distance Education
Eller Administration
Engineering Academic Affairs
Executive Office of the President
Family and Community Medicine
General Education Administration
Human Resources
Humanities Administration

Hydrology & Atmospheric Sciences
James E. Rogers College of Law
Management Information Systems
Marketing & Brand Management
Molecular and Cellular Biology
Office of Strategic Initiatives
Office of the Provost
Parking and Transportation
Pharmacy Administration
Presidential Events & University Ceremonies
Public Health Administration
RII Research Communications
School of Plant Sciences
Science Administration
Secretary of the University
Senior VP Health Sciences
Senior VP Health Sciences
Social & Behavioral Sciences Administration
Student Success, Retention, and Innovation
Student & Academic Technologies
UAHS Communications
UITS Admin


Academic Administration
Administration and Athletics
Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering
Agricultural Resources and Economics
Agricultural Educational Tech & Innovation
ALVSCE Administration
Animal & Biomedical Sciences
Arizona Global
Arizona Online
AZ Center for Judaic Studies
AZCOPH Stdt Svcs & Acad Affairs
Biomedical Engineering
Biosystems Engineering
CALS Career & Acad Services
Campus IT Partnerships
Campus Recreation
CAPLA Administration
Cellular & Molecular Medicine
Chemical & Environmental Engineering
Chemistry & Biochemistry
College of Applied Science & Technology
College of Nursing
COM Phoenix Academic Affairs
COM Phx Child Health
Computer Science
Dept of Emergency Medicine
Distance Education
Diversity and Inclusion Administration
East Asian Studies
Ecology & Evolutionary Biology
Education - Dean's Office
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Engineering Academic Affairs
Environmental Science
Family and Community Medicine
Fine Arts Administration
French and Italian
German Studies
Graduate College Administration
Human Resources
Humanities Administration
Hydrology & Atmospheric Sciences
Inclusion & Multicultural Engagement
Infrastructure & Foundational Technologies
James C Wyant Coll Optical Science
Law Administration
Lowell Institute for Mineral  Resources
Lunar and Planetary Laboratory

Mining & Geological Engineering
Molecular and Cellular Biology
Network for Info Counseling
Nutritional Sciences
Obstetrics and Gynecology
Office of Advocacy and Support
Office of the Registrar
Park Student Union
Parking and Transportation
Pharmacy Administration
Public & Applied Humanities
Public Health Administration
Religious Studies and Classics
Research Innovation & Impact
Russian and Slavic Studies
SALT Center
School of Family & Consumer Science
School of Mind-Brain & Behavior
School of Natural Resources & Environment
School Theatre Film & Television
School of Anthropology
School of Art
School of Dance
School of Government & Public Policy
School of Information
School of Music
School of Plant Sciences
Science Administration
Social & Behavioral Sciences Administration
Spanish and Portuguese
Speech Language & Hearing Science
Student Success, Retention, and Innovation
STEM Learning Center
Steward Observatory
Student & Academic Technologies
Student Financial Aid
Student Food Service
Student Learning & Engagement
Student Programs
Systems and Industrial Engineering
The Honors College
The UofA BookStores
Think Tank
Thrive Center
UA Library Administration

AHS BioCommunications
Alumni & Development
Campus IT Partnerships
Engineering Academic Affairs
Executive Office of the President
Office of Strategic Initiatives

Presidential Events & University Ceremonies
School of Plant Sciences
Senior VP Health Sciences
Social & Behavioral Sciences Administration
UAHS Communication

Undergraduate Admissions
College of Agriculture and Life Sciences
Alumni Association
College of Applied Sciences and Technology
College of Architecture, Planning, & Landscape Architecture
Arizona Athletics
Biosphere 2
Campus Health
Campus Rec
College of Education
Eller College of Management
College of Engineering
Financial Services
College of Fine Arts
Flandrau Science Center & Planetarium
UA Global
Graduate College
Health Sciences
Honors College
Housing and Residential Life
College of Humanities

James R Rogers College of Law
College of Medicine - Phoenix
College of Medicine - Tucson
College of Nursing
UA Online
James E. Wyant College of Optical Sciences
Parking and Transportation
College of Pharmacy
Office of the President
College of Public Health
College of Science
College of Social and Behavior Sciences
Student Life
Student Union
Tech Launch
Tech Parks
Title IX
College of Veterinary Medicine

Advising Resource Center
College of Engineering
College of Law
Financial Aid

Spanish Basic Language Program
Student Engagement and Career Development
Study Abroad
Think Tank
Trellis Onboarding
University Services

Trellis partners with units across the University of Arizona to be a catalyst for widespread change and digital transformation. Here are some of the collaborative projects that the program has worked on with other departments.

Uamobile app

U of A App

Redesign Launched Jan 2020

Stay connected to all things U of A. The app is filled with features you'll use every day.


Degree Search

Redesign Launched June 2020

Learn about how Trellis worked with Enrollment Marketing and the Campus Web Services teams to craft a more modern degree search platform.



Launched Fall of 2022

CatCloud is a student tool for handling timely, personalized information important to student success – academic, professional, and personal. CatCloud serves up actionable information from the myriad of UArizona systems and puts it in one intuitive, powerful interface.

If you have questions or are ready to get started, please fill out the Get Started Form and a Trellis representative will be in contact with you soon.

This page was last updated 4/19/2023