Change of Schedule
- When one of the Registrar's email-to-case addresses is CC'd, the Case Category on the corresponding case will update accordingly.
- Removed Publish button on Event record layout, and added Publish component in its place.
- The main difference is that the component better indicates to event organizers whether their event is currently published or not. It is also more reactive than the old button.
- Updated feature: Event Organizers can now create more complex recurrences from the Create Recurrence component on the Event. The following options are available:
- Daily (Using Frequency)
- We now support entering any frequency, such as 1 (meaning every day), 4 (every 4 days), or any other number entered.
- When using Frequency, the future events will be created based on the Next Event Start Date chosen, so if August 2 is chosen with the Frequency of 3, the event that will be created after that is August 5, then August 8, and so on.
- Weekly (Using Frequency)
- We now support entering any frequency, such as 1 (meaning every week), 3 (every 3 weeks), or any other number entered.
- When using Frequency, the future events will be created based on the Next Event Start Date chosen, so if August 2 (a Monday) is chosen with the Frequency of 3, the event that will be created after that is August 23 (the Monday 3 weeks later), then September 13, and so on.
- Monthly (Using Frequency)
- We now support entering any frequency, such as 1 (meaning every month), 3 (every 3 months), or any other number entered.
- When using Frequency, the future events will be created based on the Next Event Start Date chosen, so if August 2 is chosen with the Frequency of 3, the event that will be created after that is November 2, then February 2, 2022, and so on.
- Monthly (Frequency is 1, Using Day of Week or Day of Month)
- When the frequency is set to repeat every month, we also support the ability to indicate which day of the week in the month should be used. So if August 2 is the first Monday of the month and you choose the option Repeat every First Monday, then the next event will be September 6, then October 4, and so on. You can also choose multiple days (ex: Repeat monthly every First Monday and Friday)
- Rather than indicate the day of the week in the month, you can instead choose the day(s) of the month it should repeat. If the Next Event Start Date is August 2 and you choose monthly every 15th and 30th, the event that will be created next is August 15, then August 30, then September 15, etc.
- When choosing the day of the month, if the recurrence involves a month that does not have that date (ex: Recurrence is set to day 30 and February has 28 days), the event will be created on the last day of the month it should have occurred in.
- Yearly (Using Frequency)
- We now support entering any frequency, such as 1 (meaning every year), 2 (every 2 years), or any other number entered.
- When using Frequency, the future events will be created based on the Next Event Start Date chosen, so if August 2, 2021 is chosen with the Frequency of 2, the event that will be created after that is August 2, 2023, and so on.
- Yearly (Frequency is 1, Using Day of Week and Day of Month or Day of Month and Month of Year)
- When the frequency is set to repeat every month, we also support the ability to indicate which day of the week in which month(s) should be used. So if August 2 is the first Monday of the month and you choose the option Repeat every First Monday of August and December, then the next event will be December 6, 2021 followed by August 1, 2022, and so on. Just like with monthly, you can choose multiple days.
- Rather than indicate the day of the week and the month, you can instead choose the day(s) of the month and month(s) it should repeat. If the Next Event Start Date is August 2 and you choose yearly every 15th and 30th of September and April, the event that will be created next is September 15, then September 30, then April 15, 2022, etc.
- When choosing the day of the month, if the recurrence involves a month that does not have that date (ex: Recurrence is set to day 30 and February has 28 days), the event will be created on the last day of the month it should have occurred in.
- Daily (Using Frequency)