2023 Trellis Fall Survey Results

Nov. 17, 2023

The Trellis team values and appreciates the effort many of you spent in responding to our Fall survey. We are excited that many responses indicated that your interactions with Trellis team members have been overwhelmingly positive. We believe this feedback is a testament to the improved onboarding process and the efficacy of the training, workshops, and office hours the Trellis team hosts.

A key takeaway we are currently focusing on is the overall confidence of users finding resources within Trellis. To continue to understand your feedback, the Customer Engagement and Success team has been hosting one-on-one meetings with those who responded with “somewhat disagree” or below in response to questions regarding access to learning resources. We continue to evaluate training modalities to ensure users have access to information that they need to become stronger users. We will continue to gather user opinions on increasing resource visibility and look forward to providing better support for our users.