2023, April 26 (v4.8.0)

Scheduling & Service

  • Users will notice the appearance of a Reference ID field at the bottom of emails when sent from Service Cases.  This Reference ID is used by Salesforce to ensure all email conversations are correctly threaded to their related Cases


  • User will no longer see "Guest Attendees" next to ticket quantity during registration.

  • The Invitation Performance (as of Yesterday) report has been replaced by a report Latest Email Performance. This report displays all emails sent related to the event, and can be drilled down by email name. Results have a 2-3 hour delay before being updated

  • Files uploaded by the attendees will now be visible in the Attendee Files related list in Attendees tab

Marketing Cloud

  • A new Content Creator role has been created in Marketing Cloud which allows the user to build and test an email, and restricts access to data extensions. Role will become available in AccessFlow shortly.